Company excursion 2023- Mecklenburgische Seenplatte

This years destination for our company excursion was the beautiful Mecklenburgische Seenplatte, just like last year. And just like last year this years excursion was a total success.

Our colleagues were able to perform against each other in various disciplines such as hand brush throwing and Vikings chess. Apart from all the competition we enjoyed our hikes and the cozy hours around the bonfire. Mosquito attacks and drinks were part of it for sure!

During this time we've been able to get to know each other better and our team spirit improved even further. Especailly for our knew colleagues an important experience!

Our intern Sarah sup­ports our chan­ge manage­ment team. She is curr­ent­ly stu­dy­ing for her Master’s in psy­cho­lo­gy and has been with 4ACES for half a year.

What do you do as an intern at 4ACES? It is dif­fi­cult to gene­ra­li­ze what I do at 4ACES sin­ce my tasks are so varied – it most­ly depends on what is curr­ent­ly going on in the pro­ject. I regu­lar­ly prepa­re and fol­low-up on work­shops, prepa­re con­tent for cus­to­mers and sup­port in cus­to­mer mee­tings. I also help with inter­nal and exter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons with 4ACES.

What do you value most with your work? The cor­di­al and fri­end­ly atmo­sphe­re in the team! I find it gre­at that atten­ti­on is paid to my fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment, that I can gather varied prac­ti­cal expe­ri­en­ces, and that the team takes time to show me and teach me new things. My work times also allow me to nice­ly com­bi­ne both work and stu­dy.

What have you lear­ned? Through the mul­ti­di­sci­pli­na­ry work at 4ACES, I have been able to learn many small things along the way, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the tech­ni­cal domain. I have also been able to deepen my know­ledge of dif­fe­rent useful tools. I now have a much bet­ter idea what the role of con­sul­tant ent­ails.

Do you also wish to gather some prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence while you stu­dy?

Then we would love to recei­ve a spon­ta­neous appli­ca­ti­on from you!

Our con­sul­tants Eleo­no­ra and Simon made the switch from tea­ching to pro­ject manage­ment with 4ACES. We asked them about their expe­ri­ence.

„Most peo­p­le that attempt a care­er chan­ge usual­ly encoun­ter both an exci­te­ment of poten­ti­al new expe­ri­en­ces, but also a fee­ling of impos­ter syn­dro­me: am I real­ly up to the task? What will be the reac­tion to my resu­me?

At 4ACES, the onboar­ding pro­cess hel­ped me over­co­me the major chal­lenges of start­ing in a new field. Inten­si­ve sup­port, in addi­ti­on to being both valued and trus­ted from the start ensu­red I quick­ly over­ca­me my uncer­tain­ties. Alre­a­dy during the inter­view pro­cess, it was clear to me how much value was pla­ced on the per­son behind the resu­me. 

Many of the soft skills that I acqui­red during my tea­ching care­er such as com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on skills, pedago­gy, and didac­tic have shown them­sel­ves to be high­ly rele­vant to my con­sul­ting job. 

The lar­ge sel­ec­tion of pro­jects at 4ACES allows every con­sul­tant to use both their strengths and per­so­nal inte­rests. At the same time, 4ACES can uti­li­ze a broad know-how from diver­se back­grounds to ensu­re it best ful­fills cus­to­mer pro­jects and ensu­res their suc­cess. It’s a win-win situa­ti­on. “

Whe­ther you have a „con­ven­tio­nal“ back­ground or you are flir­ting with the idea of a care­er chan­ge – your per­so­na­li­ty is the most important for us at 4ACES. Let’s get into cont­act!

Being a mother is a full-time job, and within a year you ine­vi­ta­b­ly ask yours­elf how you can pos­si­bly work at the same time. Not only can it be quite exhaus­ting but taking care of an infant can make it quite dif­fi­cult to main­tain a pro­fes­sio­nal out­ward appearance. Also, tal­king to a small child half the day did­n’t exact­ly impro­ve my pro­fes­sio­nal lan­guage skills. I the­r­e­fo­re thought that retur­ning to a pro­fes­sio­nal envi­ron­ment would be chal­len­ging. As I retur­ned to work from my paren­tal lea­ve year, I star­ted with a gre­at respect for my job. The first week was long, and the second one just as much. But then I star­ted fee­ling more rela­xed at work and rea­li­zed it real­ly could work after all! My employ­er, 4ACES, made it very clear that offe­ring fle­xi­bi­li­ty to its employees is a big prio­ri­ty. 

Always in open dia­log with my col­le­agues and cus­to­mers, I can plan my tasks how I see fit. I can par­ta­ke in inter­nal mee­tings from the play­ground and can depend on my col­le­agues to replace me in one or the other mee­ting that I can’t make. I can the­r­e­fo­re ful­ly par­ta­ke in both my roles: I am both mother and con­sul­tant.

The­re has­n’t ari­sen any misun­derstan­ding with my col­le­agues or cus­to­mers due to me ful­fil­ling both my roles. I tru­ly value the spi­rit of coope­ra­ti­on that sets the tone throug­hout my pro­jects. My col­le­agues, some of whom are also par­ents, all work in their own way, with their own weekly workload and avai­la­bi­li­ty. It works equal­ly for ever­yo­ne sin­ce fle­xi­bi­li­ty and enga­ge­ment are­n’t just descri­bed on paper but are tru­ly a part of the com­pa­ny cul­tu­re.


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4ACES Tech GmbH
Major-Hirst-Straße 11
38442 Wolfsburg
+49 151 1131