Care­er Chan­ge with 4ACES – A Per­so­nal Sto­ry

Care­er Chan­ge with 4ACES – A Per­so­nal Sto­ry

Our con­sul­tants Eleo­no­ra and Simon made the switch from tea­ching to pro­ject manage­ment with 4ACES. We asked them about their expe­ri­ence.

„Most peo­p­le that attempt a care­er chan­ge usual­ly encoun­ter both an exci­te­ment of poten­ti­al new expe­ri­en­ces, but also a fee­ling of impos­ter syn­dro­me: am I real­ly up to the task? What will be the reac­tion to my resu­me?

At 4ACES, the onboar­ding pro­cess hel­ped me over­co­me the major chal­lenges of start­ing in a new field. Inten­si­ve sup­port, in addi­ti­on to being both valued and trus­ted from the start ensu­red I quick­ly over­ca­me my uncer­tain­ties. Alre­a­dy during the inter­view pro­cess, it was clear to me how much value was pla­ced on the per­son behind the resu­me. 

Many of the soft skills that I acqui­red during my tea­ching care­er such as com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on skills, pedago­gy, and didac­tic have shown them­sel­ves to be high­ly rele­vant to my con­sul­ting job. 

The lar­ge sel­ec­tion of pro­jects at 4ACES allows every con­sul­tant to use both their strengths and per­so­nal inte­rests. At the same time, 4ACES can uti­li­ze a broad know-how from diver­se back­grounds to ensu­re it best ful­fills cus­to­mer pro­jects and ensu­res their suc­cess. It’s a win-win situa­ti­on. “

Whe­ther you have a „con­ven­tio­nal“ back­ground or you are flir­ting with the idea of a care­er chan­ge – your per­so­na­li­ty is the most important for us at 4ACES. Let’s get into cont­act!


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4ACES Tech GmbH
Major-Hirst-Straße 11
38442 Wolfsburg
+49 151 1131