Work-Life Balan­ce as a full-time con­sul­tant with a child – A Per­so­nal Sto­ry

Work-Life Balan­ce as a full-time con­sul­tant with a child – A Per­so­nal Sto­ry

Being a mother is a full-time job, and within a year you ine­vi­ta­b­ly ask yours­elf how you can pos­si­bly work at the same time. Not only can it be quite exhaus­ting but taking care of an infant can make it quite dif­fi­cult to main­tain a pro­fes­sio­nal out­ward appearance. Also, tal­king to a small child half the day did­n’t exact­ly impro­ve my pro­fes­sio­nal lan­guage skills. I the­r­e­fo­re thought that retur­ning to a pro­fes­sio­nal envi­ron­ment would be chal­len­ging. As I retur­ned to work from my paren­tal lea­ve year, I star­ted with a gre­at respect for my job. The first week was long, and the second one just as much. But then I star­ted fee­ling more rela­xed at work and rea­li­zed it real­ly could work after all! My employ­er, 4ACES, made it very clear that offe­ring fle­xi­bi­li­ty to its employees is a big prio­ri­ty. 

Always in open dia­log with my col­le­agues and cus­to­mers, I can plan my tasks how I see fit. I can par­ta­ke in inter­nal mee­tings from the play­ground and can depend on my col­le­agues to replace me in one or the other mee­ting that I can’t make. I can the­r­e­fo­re ful­ly par­ta­ke in both my roles: I am both mother and con­sul­tant.

The­re has­n’t ari­sen any misun­derstan­ding with my col­le­agues or cus­to­mers due to me ful­fil­ling both my roles. I tru­ly value the spi­rit of coope­ra­ti­on that sets the tone throug­hout my pro­jects. My col­le­agues, some of whom are also par­ents, all work in their own way, with their own weekly workload and avai­la­bi­li­ty. It works equal­ly for ever­yo­ne sin­ce fle­xi­bi­li­ty and enga­ge­ment are­n’t just descri­bed on paper but are tru­ly a part of the com­pa­ny cul­tu­re.


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+49 151 1131